The questions that shape a business plan

Sec 1.0 an introduction When was the company formed and by whom? Where is it based? What does the company uniquely offer?
Sec 2.0 Market opportunity What is the opportunity, need or problems in the market? Who is experiencing the need? How big is the opportunity? How fast is the opportunity growing?
Sec 3.0 Offering What is being offered to address the need? What are the different components of the offer?
Sec 4.0 The competition Why and how is the offering unique? How will it successfully compete?
Sec 5.0 Market Who are the customers? How will they use it? How is the market segmented? What does this offer mean to them?
Sec 6.0 Business model How will the offering be delivered to customers? What does the delivery chain look like? How will the support process work? How will revenue and costs flow across the chain?
Sec 7.0 Sales and marketing plan How will customers be acquired? What are the different modules or components to be sold? What are the price points?
Sec 8.0 Development plan What are the timelines and technologies? What is the strategy for product development?
Sec 9.0 Roadmap Over the next 24 months, what will be the sales and marketing objectives? What will be the company’s objectives? What are the product development objectives? What is the exit strategy?
Sec 10.0 Current situation What is the present status of the offer? Are any customers testing or using it? How much money has been invested? How many employees are there?
Sec 11.0 Financials How much money do you need? When, how and at what levels will you break even? What is the monthly outlook for the next 12-18 months?

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